How to correctly identify and use plastic food bags

- Aug 14, 2017-

The testing of plastic bags can be used to detect toxic and non-toxic plastic bags in the following ways.

Sensory detection method: non-toxic plastic bags are milky, translucent, or colorless transparent, flexible, feel lubrication, the surface appears to have wax, toxic plastic bag color cloudy or pale yellow, feel sticky, hair.

Water testing Method: Put the plastic bag in the water, and according to the bottom, non-toxic plastic bag small proportion, can surface, toxic plastic bag large proportion, sinking.

Fire detection method: non-toxic polyethylene plastic bags flammable, the flame is blue, upper yellow, burning like a candle tears drip, there is paraffin flavor, smoke less, toxic PVC plastic bags non-flammable, fire is extinguished, the flame is yellow, the bottom is green, softening can be brushed, there is a pungent odor of hydrochloric acid.

Smell detection method: Recycled raw materials made of plastic bags have an unpleasant smell.

Jitter Detection method: The hand to grasp the plastic bag at one end of the shaking, issued a crisp sound non-toxic;